: Yankees game :
We had a nice time at yesterday afternoon's Yankees game against the Minnesota Twins. The weather cooperated beautifully, although it was a bit on the warm side and we ended up sitting in the sun all afternoon.
We got to the stadium when the gates opened at 11 a.m. and went directly to our seats - they were on the third base side, just eight rows up from the visitor's dugout. They were probably the second-best seats I've ever had in a baseball game. Once my dad gave me his company seats in the Astrodome, and we sat in the second row at the front edge of the home dugout, so we got to observe very closely (like, less than 10 feet away) all the Astros stars like Craig Biggio, Jeff Bagwell and the late Darryl Kile as they went in and out of the dugout. The only drawback to those seats was that there was a constant crowd of kids right next to us, screaming for autographs. But here's the view from the seats we had on Sunday:

After finding our seats, we went out to Monument Park beyond the outfield wall, where they have all the memorials to the great Yankees in the team's history - Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig, Reggie Jackson, and the like. A bit of drama nonwithstanding, it was very humbling as a baseball fan to be surrounded by such greatness. And here is a long-awaited photo that shows my new hair color, although you can't see much of it because it was so warm I had to tie it up, but you can see the streaks of blonde in it.

Here is a view of the stadium from Monument Park in left-center field, with Twins players walking in from the bullpen.

And of course, the best news is that the Yankees won 10-1, with Alex Rodriguez hitting two home runs to pace the Yanks. After the game, being out in the sun made everyone tired, so we drove straight home (traffic was terrible getting out of the stadium though) and just crashed. Later after cooling off I went out to Borders and was trying to find a Stephen Hawking book, but wasn't able to, so I bought one item off my birthday list, Batman: The Long Halloween, which I'd forgotten was on it. I also went to Target to get some drain cleaner because my bathtub has been draining slowly - I've probably been letting too much hair go down the drain. It's fixed now though. Then last night I watched V for Vendetta starring Natalie Portman, John Hurt and Stephen Rea. I read the novel several months ago, and I liked the movie for what it was. At least they kept enough of the political message to not completely disembowel what author Alan Moore was trying to express.
Today I haven't been doing much - slept until noon and now it's 3:30 and I'm still in my pyjamas. But I do have to get moving, or else it's going to be hard to get back onto my usual workday sleep schedule. So off I go.
We got to the stadium when the gates opened at 11 a.m. and went directly to our seats - they were on the third base side, just eight rows up from the visitor's dugout. They were probably the second-best seats I've ever had in a baseball game. Once my dad gave me his company seats in the Astrodome, and we sat in the second row at the front edge of the home dugout, so we got to observe very closely (like, less than 10 feet away) all the Astros stars like Craig Biggio, Jeff Bagwell and the late Darryl Kile as they went in and out of the dugout. The only drawback to those seats was that there was a constant crowd of kids right next to us, screaming for autographs. But here's the view from the seats we had on Sunday:

After finding our seats, we went out to Monument Park beyond the outfield wall, where they have all the memorials to the great Yankees in the team's history - Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig, Reggie Jackson, and the like. A bit of drama nonwithstanding, it was very humbling as a baseball fan to be surrounded by such greatness. And here is a long-awaited photo that shows my new hair color, although you can't see much of it because it was so warm I had to tie it up, but you can see the streaks of blonde in it.

Here is a view of the stadium from Monument Park in left-center field, with Twins players walking in from the bullpen.

And of course, the best news is that the Yankees won 10-1, with Alex Rodriguez hitting two home runs to pace the Yanks. After the game, being out in the sun made everyone tired, so we drove straight home (traffic was terrible getting out of the stadium though) and just crashed. Later after cooling off I went out to Borders and was trying to find a Stephen Hawking book, but wasn't able to, so I bought one item off my birthday list, Batman: The Long Halloween, which I'd forgotten was on it. I also went to Target to get some drain cleaner because my bathtub has been draining slowly - I've probably been letting too much hair go down the drain. It's fixed now though. Then last night I watched V for Vendetta starring Natalie Portman, John Hurt and Stephen Rea. I read the novel several months ago, and I liked the movie for what it was. At least they kept enough of the political message to not completely disembowel what author Alan Moore was trying to express.
Today I haven't been doing much - slept until noon and now it's 3:30 and I'm still in my pyjamas. But I do have to get moving, or else it's going to be hard to get back onto my usual workday sleep schedule. So off I go.